મિતાક્ષરો - જાણીતી સંજ્ઞાઓ(A થી Z)
AAFI | Amateur Athletics of India |
AAPSO | Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization |
AASU | All Assam Students Union |
ABM | Anti Ballistic Missile |
AC | Alternate Currency / Ashok Chakra / Air Conditioner |
ACC | Anxillary Cadet Core |
AD | Ano Domini (After the birth of Jesus) |
ADB | Asian Development Bank |
AERE | Atomic Energy Research Establishment |
AGOC | Asian Games Organization Committee |
AICC | All India Congress Committee |
AICTE | All India Council of Technical Education |
AIDS | Acquired Imuno Deficiency Syndrome |
AIFE | All India Football Federation |
AIIMS | All India Institute of Medical Sciences |
AIL | Aeronautics India Limited |
AIMPLB | All India Muslim Personal Law Board |
AIR | All India Radio (Broadcasting) |
AITUC | All India Trade Union Congress |
AM | Anti Meridian (Before Noon) |
ANC | African National Congress |
APEC | Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation |
APSC | Army Postal services Core |
ASEAN | Association of South East Asian Nations |
ASLV | Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle |
ASI | Archaeological Survey of India |
ASSOCHAM | Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry (India) |
ASWAC | Airborne Surveillance Warning and Control |
ATS | Anti Tetanus Serum |
BA | Bachelor of Arts |
BAMS | Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery |
BARC | Bhabha Atomic Research Centre |
BBA | Bachelor of Business Administration |
BBC | British Broadcasting Corporation |
BC | Before Christ (Before the birth of Jesus) |
BCA | Bachelor of Computer Applications |
BCCI | Board of Control for Cricket in India |
BEL | Bharat Electronics Limited |
BENELUX | Belgium, Netherland and Luxemburg |
BHEL | Bharat Heavy Electronics Limited |
BIFR | Board of Industrial Finance and Reconstruction |
BIMSTEC | Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand Economic Cooperation |
BIS | Bureau of Indian Standards |
BJP | Bhartiya Janta Party |
BOP | Balance of Payment |
B PHARMA | Bachelor of Pharmacy |
BSc | Bachelor of Science |
BSE | Bombay Stock Exchange |
BSF | Border Security Force |
BSP | Bahujan Samaj Party |
CA | Chattered Accountant |
CAD | Command Area Development |
CAG | Computer and Auditor General |
CARE | Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere |
CASE | Commission for Alternative sources of Energy |
CAT | Central Administrative Tribunal |
CAZRI | Central Arid Zone Research Institute |
CBI | Central Bureau of Investigation |
CBSE | Central Board of Secondary Education |
CCEA | Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs |
CCS | Cabinet Committee on Security |
CD | Compact Disc |
CDMA | Center for Development |
CDRI | Central Drug Research Institute |
CDS | Compulsory Deposit Scheme |
CHOGM | Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting |
CID | Criminal Investigation Department |
CIS | Commonwealth of Independent States |
CISF | Central Industrial Security Force |
CITU | Center of Indian Trade Union |
CM | Chief Minister |
CNG | Compressed Natural Gas |
COD | Central Ordnance Depot |
CPO | Central Passport Organization |
CPRI | Central Power Research Institute |
CRPF | Central Reserve Police Force |
CRR | Cash Reserve Ratio |
CSIR | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research |
CSO | Central Statistical Organization |
CTS | Computerized Tomography Scanner |
CVC | Central Vigilance Commission |
DDT | Dichloride Diphenyle Tri-chloromethane |
DFDR | Digital Flight Data Recorder (Black Box) |
DIG | Deputy Inspector General |
D.LIT | Doctor of Literature |
DM | District Majestrate |
DMK | Dravida Munetra Kazhagam |
DNA | Di-oxyribo - Nuclric Acid |
DPAP | Drought Prone Area Programme |
DPC | Dabhol Power Company |
DPSA | Deep Penetration Strike Aircraft |
DRDO | Defence Research and Development Organization |
DTH | Direct to Home |
DVD | Digital Versatile Disc |
EAS | Employment Assurance Scheme |
ECB | European Central Bank |
ECG | Electro Cardiogram |
EEC | European Economic Community |
EEG | Electro Encephalogram |
ELISA | Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbet Assay |
EMF | Electromotive Force |
EPABX | Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange |
EPZ | Export Processing Zone |
ERDA | Energy Research and Development Administration |
ESMA | Essential Services Maintenance Act |
EVM | Electronic Voting Machine |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation (USA) |
FBTR | Fast Breeder Test Reactor |
FCI | Food Corporation of India / Fertilizer Corporation of India |
FD | Fixed Deposit |
FDR | Flight Data Recorder (Black Box) |
FERA | Foreign Exchange Regulation Act |
FEMA | Foreign Exchange Management Act |
FICCI | Federation of India Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
FIPB | Foreign Investment Promotion Board |
FIR | First Information Report |
FRS | Fellow of the Royal Society |
FTII | Film and Television Institute of India |
FTZ | Free Trade Zone |
GAIL | Gas Authority of India Limited |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariff and Trade |
GIC | General Insurance Corporation |
GMT | Greenwich mean Time |
GNLF | Gorakha National Liberation Front |
GNP | Gross National Product |
GPF | General Provident Fund |
GPO | General Post Office |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GSI | Geographical survey of India |
HAC | Hindustan Aluminum Corporation |
HAL | Hindustan Aeronautics Limited |
HCF | Highest common Factor |
HDFC | Housing Development Finance Corporation |
HIV | Human Immuno-deficiency Virus |
HMT | Hindustan Machine Tools |
HUDCO | Housing and Urban Development Corporation |
HYVS | High Yield Variety seeds |
IAAI | International Airport Authority of India |
IAC | Indian Airlines Corporation |
IAEA | international atomic Energy Agency |
IAF | Indian Air Force |
IARI | Indian Agriculture Research Institute |
IAS | Indian Administrative Services |
IAY | Indira Awas Yojana |
IBA | Indian Bankers Association |
IBRD | International Bank of Reconstruction and development (World Bank) |
ICAR | Indian Council of Agriculture Research |
ICBM | Inter Continental ballistic Missile |
ICC | International Cricket council |
ICFTU | International Confederation of Free Trade Unions |
ICICI | Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited |
ICHR | Indian Council of Historical Research |
ICJ | International Court of Justice |
ICMR | Indian council of Medical Research |
ICSI | Indian Company Secretaries Institute |
ICWA | Indian Council of World Affairs |
IDA | International Development Agency |
IDBI | Industrial Development Bank of India |
IDO | International Defence Organization |
IDPL | Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited |
IET | Institute of Engineering and Technology |
IFA | Indian Football Association |
IFCI | Industrial Finance corporation of India |
IFFI | International Film Festival of India |
IFFCO | Indian Farmers Fertilizers Cooperative |
IFTU | International Federation of Trade Unions |
IGNOU | Indira Gandhi National Open University |
IIPA | Indian Institute of Public Administration |
IIS | Indian Institute of Sciences |
IISCO | Indian Iron and Steel Company |
IIT | Indian Institute of Technology |
ILO | International Labour Organization |
IMA | Indian Military Academy |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
INGCA | Indira Gandhi Gallery for culture and Art |
INS | Indian Naval ship |
INSAT | Indian National Satellite |
INTELSAT | International Telecommunication Satellite |
INTERPOL | International Police Organisation |
INTUC | Indian national Trade Union Congress |
IOC | Indian Oil Corporation |
IPC | Indian Penal Code |
IPKF | Indian Peace keeping Force |
IPS | Indian Police Services |
IQ | Intelligence Quotient |
IRBM | Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile |
IRC | International Red Cross |
IRDA | International Regulatory Development Authority |
IRDP | Integrated Rural Development program |
ISB | Indian Standard Bureau |
ISD | International Standard Dialing |
ISI | Inter Service Intelligence |
ISM | Indian School of Mines |
ISO | International Organisation for Standardisation |
IST | Indian Standard Time |
ISP | Internet service Provider |
ISRO | Indian Space Organisation |
ITBT | Indo-Tibet Border Force |
ITDC | Indian Tourism Development corporation |
ITPO | Indian Trade promotion organisation |
ITO | International Trade Organisation |
ITUC | Indian Trade Union congress |
JD | Janta Dal |
JKLF | Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front |
JMM | Jharkhand Mukti Morcha |
JNSU | Jawahar Lal Nehru University Student Union |
JNU | Jawahar Lal Nehru University |
JPC | Joint Parliamentary Commitee |
KFC | Kentucky Fried Chicken |
KG | Kinder Garten |
LA | Legislative Assembly |
LASER | Light Amplification By stimulated Emission of Radiation |
LCA | Light Combat Aircraft |
LDCs | Least Developed Countries |
LDF | Left Democratic Front |
LETS | Local Exchange Trading System |
LF | Left Front |
LGC | Local Government Code |
LIC | Life Insurance Corporation |
LLB | Bachelor of Law |
LLM | Masters of Law |
LMG | Light Machine Gun |
LOC | Line of Control (Pakistan) |
LOAC | Line of Actual Control (China) |
LPG | Liquefied Petroleum Gas |
LSD | Lysergic acid diethylamide |
LTTE | Liberation of Tigers of Tamil Elam |
MA | Master of Arts |
MAPS | Madras Atomic Power Station |
MAT | Minimum Alternate Tax |
MASER | Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation |
MBA | Master of Business Administration |
MBBS | Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of surgery |
MBT | Main Battle Tank |
MCA | Master of Computer Applications |
MCC | Melbourne Cricket Board |
MD | Doctor of Medicine / Managing Director |
MDMK | Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam |
MEA | Ministry of External Affairs |
MFN | Most Favored Nation |
MFs | Mutual Funds |
MI | Military Intelligence |
MIS | Management Information System |
MISA | Maintenance of Internal Security Act |
MITI | Ministry of International Trade and industry |
MLA | Member of Legislative Assembly |
MLC | Member of Legislative Council |
MNC | Multi National Corporation |
MNEs | Multi national Enterprises |
MNF | Mizo National Front |
MOD | Ministry Of Defence |
MP | Member of Parliament |
MRCP | Member of Royal College of Physicians |
MRTPC | Monopoly and Restrictive Trade Practices Comission |
MODVAT | Modified Value Added Tax |
MSc | Master of science |
MSP | Minimum Support Price |
MTNL | Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited |
MUL | Maruti Udyog Ltd. |
NAAC | National Assessment and Accreditation Council |
NABARD | National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development |
NACO | National AIDS Control Organization |
NAEP | National Adult Education Program |
NAFED | National Agricultural and Marketing Organization |
NAFTA | North American Free Trade Agreement |
NALCO | National Aluminum Company Limited |
NAPP | Narora Atomic Power Plant |
NASA | National Aeronautics and space Administration |
NASSCOM | National Association of Software & Service Companies |
NASDAQ | National Association of Security Dealer's Active Quotation |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NBFCs | Non-Banking Financial Corporations |
NCC | National Cadet Core |
NCCR | National Council of Civil Rights |
NCDC | National Co-operative Development Corporation |
NCERT | National Council of Educational Research Training |
NCO | Non Commissioned Officer |
NCP | Nationalist Congress Party |
NCW | National Commission for Women |
NDA | National Defence Acadmey |
NDDB | National dairy Development Board |
NDF | National Defence Fund |
NEERI | National Environment Engineering Research Institute |
NEFA | North-East Frontier Agency |
NEPA | National Environment Protection Authority |
NFDC | National Film Development Association |
NFL | National Fertilizer Limited |
NHB | National Housing Bank |
NHRC | National Human Right Commission |
NICO | New Information and Communication Order |
NIDC | National Industrial Development Corporation |
NIIT | National Institute of Information Technology |
NIMHANS | National Institute of Mental Health and Nero-Sciences |
NITIE | National Institute for Training and Industrial Engineering |
NMDS | National Missile Defence System |
NMEP | National Malaria education Programme |
NOIDA | New Okhla Industrial Development Association |
NPC | National Productivity Council |
NPP | National Population Policy |
NPT | Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty |
NREP | National Rural Employment Programme |
NRI | Non Resident Indian |
NSC | National Security Council |
NSS | National Saving Scheme |
NSSO | National Sample Survey Organization |
NTC | National Textile Corporation |
NTPC | National Thermal POWER Corporation |
OBC | Other Backward Class |
OECD | Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OGL | Open General Licence |
OIL | Oil India Limited |
OMEGA | Options for making Extra Gains from Actinids |
ONGC | Oil and Natural Gas Commission |
OPEC | Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries |
OSH | Occupational Safety and Health |
OTCEI | Over the Counter Exchange of India |
PC | Personal Computer |
PCI | Press Council of India |
PCS | Provisional Civil Services |
Ph.D | Doctor of Philosophy |
PIN | Postal Index Number |
PIO | Person of Indian Origin |
PLO | Palestine Liberation Organization |
PM | Prime Minister |
POTA | Prevention of Terrorism Act |
POTO | Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance |
PPSC | Punjab Public Service Commission |
PR | Public Relations |
PRO | Public Relations Officer |
PSC | Parliamentary Select Committee |
PSDN | Packet Switched Data |
PTO | Please Turn Over |
PVC | Param Vir Chakra / Poly Vinyl Chloride |
PVSM | Param Vishisht Seva Medal |
PWD | Public Work's Department |
PWG | People's War Group |
RADAR | Radio Angle Direction and Range |
RAW | Research and Analysis Wing |
R&D | Research and Development |
RBI | Reserve Bank of India |
RCC | Reinforced Cement Concrete |
RDX | Research Developed Explosive |
RIMC | Rashtriya Indian Military College |
RMS | Railway Mail Service |
RLEGP | Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Program |
RNA | Ribonucleic Acid |
RPM | Revolutions Per Minute |
RSS | Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh |
RTO | Regional Transport Officer |
SAARC | South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation |
SAC | Space Application Center |
SAFTA | South Asian Free Trade Association |
SAI | Sports Authority of India |
SAIL | Steel Authority of India Limited |
SAPTA | South Asian Preferential Trade Arrangements |
SARS | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome |
SC | Supreme Court / Security Council |
SCI | Shipping Council of India |
SCOPE | Standing Conference of Public Enterprises |
SCRA | Special Class Railway Apprentice |
SDR | Special Drawing Rights |
SEBI | Security Exchange Board of India |
SGPC | Siromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee |
SHAR | Shri Haikota Range |
SIDBI | Small Industries Development Bank of India |
SIS | Secret Intelligence Service |
SITA | Suppression of Immortal Traffic in Women and Girls Act |
SLV | Satellite Launch Vehicle |
SPCA | Society for Prevention of Cruelty of Animals |
SPIC MACAY | Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture |
STARS | Satellite Tracking and Ranging Station |
STD | Subscribers Trunk Dialing |
STPI | Software Technology Parks of India |
SWAPO | South West African People's Organization |
TA | Traveling Allowances |
TC | Transfer Certificate |
TELCO | Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company |
TELEX | Teleprinter Exchange |
TISCO | Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited |
TNT | Tri-nitro-toluene |
TOFEL | Test of English as a Foreign Language |
TRAI | Telecom Regulatory Authority of India |
TRIPS | Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights |
TTE | Traveling Ticket Examiner |
TTFI | Table Tennis Federation of India |
TWA | Trans World Airlines |
UDC | Upper Division Clerk |
UFO | Unidentified Flying Object |
UGC | University Grant Commission |
UHT | Ultra High Temperature |
UK | United Kingdom |
ULFA | United Liberation Front of Assam |
UNCTAD | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development |
UNDP | United Nations Development Program |
UNEF | United Nations Emergency Force |
UNEP | United Nations Environment Program |
UNESCO | United Nations Economic Social and Cultural Organization |
UNFPA | United Nations for Population Activities |
UNHCR | United Nations High Commission for Refugees |
UNI | United News of India |
UNICEF | United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund |
UNO | United Nations Organization |
UPS | Uninterrupted Power Supply |
UPSC | Union Public Service Commission |
USA | United States of America |
USP | Unique Selling Proposition |
USSR | Union of Soviet Socialist Republic |
UTI | Unit Trust of India |
VAT | Value Added Tax |
VDIS | Voluntary Disclosure of Income Scheme |
VC | Vice-Chancellor |
VIP | Very Important Person |
VPP | Value Payable Post |
VRS | Voluntary Retirement Scheme |
VSNL | Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited |
VSSC | Vikram Sarabai Space Center |
WEF | World Economic Forum |
WHO | World Health Organization |
WILL | Wireless in Local Loop |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization |
WPI | Wholesale Price Index |
WTC | World Trade Center |
WTO | World Trade Organization |
WWF | World Wild Life for Nature |
WWW | World Wide Web |
YMCA | Young Men's Christians Association |
YWCA | Young Women's Christians Association |
ZBB | Zero Based Budgeting |
ZPG | Zero Population Growth |
ZS | Zoological Society |
ZSI | Zoological Survey of India |